About me
As a Wisconsin certified STEM educator, with over 25 years of combined public education and private work experience, I am excited to bring the Engineering Tomorrow STEM labs to Wisconsin 6-12 classrooms. Engineering Tomorrow introduces students to the field of engineering through Science focused STEM labs that provide engaging virtual hands-on lessons at NO COST to you or your school.Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Engineers. No Cost Virtual Engineering Labs for Students. Developed and Delivered by Engineers.
Request Lab Materials https://engineeringtomorrow.org/request
Curriculum Alignment Chart https://shorturl.at/puTY1
Program Contacts
Wisconsin High School grades 9-12 Liz Kysely liz.kysely@engineeringtomorrow.org 715-370-1400
Wisconsin Middle School grades 6-8 Ann Viegut ann.viegut@engineeringtomorrow.org 715-571-2275
We provide support for grades 9 through 12 across the country, except in Wisconsin, where we extend support to grades 6 through 12. Please share with your friends and colleagues nationwide!