Thursday April 3, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm CDT
Transitioning to NGSS is a huge cultural shift. Fully aligned NGSS instruction looks and feels very different from traditional science instruction. In this session, one or more current science teachers from Cameron Middle School will share, and answer questions about their journey into NGSS via the OpenSciEd Curriculum. This session will include information on the following:
1. Why OpenSciEd (OSE)?
2. Accessing OSE and using the resources to discuss the remaining topics.
3. Aligning curriculum sequence, including discussion on following OSE sequencing vs maintaining your current curricular sequencing.
4. Strengths and challenges of OSE.
a. Planning and Prep
b. Classroom instruction time
c. Transitioning from tradition to NGSS-aligned curriculum
d. Assessment
5. How we each adapt OSE to make it ours:
a. 6th grade: science and social studies time is shared; only teach science half of the year
b. 7th grade: "I am a teacher of Science not a Science teacher".
c. 8th grade: "I hate being tethered to the front of the room!"
Question and Answer time!
avatar for Valerie Pumala

Valerie Pumala

8th grade Science Teacher, Cameron Middle School
Thursday April 3, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm CDT

Attendees (3)

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