Friday April 4, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm CDT
Participants will explore Wisconsin’s K-12 Energy Education Program’s BRAND NEW, inquiry -based Building Energy Detectives Lessons. Lessons follow a 5E structure, include a career connection, and provide opportunities for climate change conversations. Participants will work hands-on with tools from KEEP’s Energy Audit Kit exploring the anchor phenomenon: What energy actions can I take at school, at home, and in my community to create a more sustainable future? The presentation will guide participants through the following essential questions: How much energy is used by appliances in the classroom when turned on and off? How can I reduce energy consumption of appliances at school? What can I do to help my school’s HVAC system operate well and conserve energy? How can we achieve recommended light levels throughout the school while decreasing the amount of electricity used for lighting? What does an energy bill look like and how can actions we take to conserve energy at school impact it? How can actions we take to conserve energy at school affect our carbon dioxide emissions? All lessons are designed to align with NGSS standards, WI Standards for Science, and WI Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability.

WI Standards for Science/NGSS
CC2: Cause and Effect
CC4: Systems and System Models
SEP1.A: Asking Questions
SEP1.B: Defining Problems
SEP3: Planning and Conducting Investigations
SEP4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
SEP5: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
SEP6.A: Constructing an Explanation
SEP6.B: Designing Solutions
SEP7: Arguing from Evidence
SEP8: Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information
SCI.ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems
SCI.ESS3.D: Global Climate Change
SCI.ETS2.B Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World

WI Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability
Strand 1: Connect, Standard 1: Students develop and connect with their sense of place and well-being through observation, exploration and questioning.
Friday April 4, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm CDT

Attendees (3)

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