Thursday April 3, 2025 10:00am - 11:50am CDT
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Angler Education Program provides training and materials for adults to offer fishing programs in their schools and communities. This workshop will keep you busy with hands-on activities, and we’ll even go fishing! You’ll go home with a boatload of program materials that link fishing to science through investigations of fish and their habitat and provides opportunities for interdisciplinary unit development with social studies, language arts, fine arts and physical education. Fishing equipment and other supplies are available for loan to instructors at more than 50 tackle loaner sites run by the DNR and partners. The program has two main levels, Junior Angler for grades 4 – 8 and Hook, Line & Thinker for high school. A subset of materials appropriate for younger learners is also available. The materials are aligned to Wisconsin’s state academic standards making the program an easy fit in the classroom. Successful program models include after-school fishing clubs, summer enrichment classes, and school-family events, in addition to classroom use. [I would like this to be an all-day workshop. What are my options?]
Thursday April 3, 2025 10:00am - 11:50am CDT

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