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Saturday, April 5

8:00am CDT

AI in Education: What should we be talking about?
Saturday April 5, 2025 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
AI is already having a significant impact on education and is only just starting to transform our work and lives. This session seeks to provide a discussion space for educators to consider some of the following thought prompts:
-How do I design work that will help my students learn in the age of AI?
-How do I leverage AI for my work?
-How do I use AI ethically and how do I teach students to use AI ethically?
-Who has access to AI and what biases are inherently embedded in it?
-What policies exist in my space about AI?
-What policies and practices do I want to establish using AI?
-How can I evaluate the use of AI in my work and in my students’ work?

Attendees will be able to leave with:
-A better understanding of the ways that AI is shaping and will shape their work.
-Reflections on their views and values about AI in the classroom
-Next steps for their practice in the ethical use of AI
avatar for Kelly Steiner

Kelly Steiner

Middle school Science teacher, Shorewood Intermediate School
Passionate about social justice, quality learning, and growing as an educator.
Saturday April 5, 2025 8:00am - 8:50am CDT

9:00am CDT

Creating welcoming and inclusive spaces (with or without community support)
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am CDT
Every student deserves a welcoming and comfortable learning environment. At this polarized time, different communities are in different places in their level of encouraging welcoming spaces. In our session we’ll brainstorm the types of things that are within the control of a classroom practitioner to create welcoming spaces for all different types of identities. We’ll also share brainstorming of ways of overcoming community challenges. We will honor the wisdom and experience of the diverse perspectives of the room, by modeling strategies for helping people solve each other’s problems. Finally, we’ll look at places where in a Science classroom in particular, old types of thinking/ exclusion may cause problems for learners.

Attendees will be able to leave with:
-A reflection on the identities present in their context
-A list of possible strategies to try to make their space more welcoming to those identities
-Troubleshooting solutions to other people’s challenges in creating welcoming spaces
avatar for Kelly Steiner

Kelly Steiner

Middle school Science teacher, Shorewood Intermediate School
Passionate about social justice, quality learning, and growing as an educator.
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am CDT

10:00am CDT

Collaborating to Make Student Learning Local: Examples and Inspiration for Local Watershed Investigations in High School Science
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am CDT
Several high school science teachers in the Chequamegon Bay area who share a common desire to make student learning experiences locally relevant have been connected through their involvement in the Rivers2Lake program. Rivers2Lake, run by the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, offers year long professional development and mentorship in inquiry-based, place-centered, outdoor learning to regional teachers. Among other support offered through the program, teachers gain access to a library of NGSS-aligned lessons and field trip opportunities. In this session, teachers will share stories of how they are involving local rivers, estuaries, and Lake Superior in student investigations this school year, offer space for attendees to share their own stories about how they’re creating connections to local watersheds, and offer inspiration for where those ideas could lead them. Together the teachers are collaborating on using the stories they share, the Rivers2Lake curriculum library, and Rivers2Lake partner resources to build a NGSS aligned storyline unit investigating local waterways that could be used by regional teachers and start an annual symposium for their students to connect and share their investigations with one another.
avatar for Andy Pokrzywinski

Andy Pokrzywinski

Teacher, Ashland High School
I am a secondary science teacher who has taught in Minnesota, Alaska, and Wisconsin. My special interests include the integration of STEAM, experiential, and place-based learning. For the past seven years, I have been working with Argument-Driven Inquiry as a strategy for integrating... Read More →
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am CDT

11:00am CDT

Science Teachers of the Future Urgently Wanted!
Saturday April 5, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am CDT
Wisconsin faces a significant downturn in the number of undergraduate, graduate, and, alternatively certified science teachers. In 2023, only 165.new science teachers were licensed from traditional and alternative teacher preparation programs in Wisconsin, down from an average of 225 between 2014 and 2021. As a middle or high school science teacher, you can play a vital role in helping reverse this trend! In this interactive problem-solving session, we’ll share data on licensure numbers over the past 10 years and share some research and tips on ways you might help your students, paraprofessionals, and others in your orbit consider one of the best jobs in the world: engaging middle and high school students with wonders of our universe! We will share nationwide research on how teachers and schools are working to recruit and prepare science teachers, as well as ways to retain and continue to help develop new science teachers. Participants will get sample activities that teachers can immediately use with their students and friends to help them consider a career in science education. We will also ask for ideas from the participants on strategies to help increase the number of science teachers in Wisconsin.
avatar for Kevin Anderson

Kevin Anderson

Science Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Dr. Anderson currently works as the Science Education Consultant at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). He enjoys helping educators improve science programs and instruction to support all students in making sense of the world and solving problems. Previously, he... Read More →
Saturday April 5, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am CDT

11:00am CDT

STEM Collaborations: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) and Gateway Biology Curriculum (Bio 105)
Saturday April 5, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am CDT
This presentation will showcase how UWO’s Biology Department is partnering with UWO’s Dual-Enrollment program, CAPP, to provide transformative educational experiences for students. The focus of this current collaboration is part of a larger endeavor to help STEM learners translate educational experiences into career endeavors by working with regional employers as well. As UWO pivots to a new learner-centered academic structure that emphasizes career clusters, CAPP’s role in providing early access to college courses while students are still in high school can play a larger role in smoothing students’ transition to career pathways available at UWO and increasingly at other institutions of higher education.

A brief overview of UWO’s CAP Program will provide context for how we envision our collaboration with Biology—and other fields—can work to advance student learning in Wisconsin. Drs. Jessica Lucas and Mallory Janquart from the fields of Biology and Laboratory Medical Technology will showcase the career-case studies they have worked on.

As we are seeking more teachers to participate in our collaboration, attendees will learn the role of CAPP adjuncts in developing/ testing new curriculum and how to participate. Attendees will also learn about how UWO is using career clusters and trying to connect students with STEM careers. NGSS are not addressed directly, but college-level science standards are key in the design of the new curriculum. An interactive quiz is part of the presentation of the career-case studies and the new curriculum activities.

Margaret Hostetler

CAPP Director, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
UW Oshkosh Cooperative Academic Partnership Program

Jessica Lucas

Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Saturday April 5, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am CDT
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